When someone hurts you, it’s hard to understand. The look on my face used to be one like a puppy who turns their head from side to side curiously . How do you as the person in the line of fire process this and move on with your day. Some one who hurts you is really trying to move their pain onto you. It’s very hard to believe it’s not you!! The best way I find is to ask “What you just said hurt me, what was your intention?” This A) will shake up what they expected to happen (A fight) they are armed and this typically will disarm them. B) It will also show you care by not arming up for the fight yourself and It will open a discussion or at least give the other person an option of different path on how this interaction can go.
The point of my day is to get in bed at night unscathed by other peoples’ baggage of hurt they are carting around, to be kind and have kindness shown my way as well. In order for this to happen we need to really understand where people are coming from and not assume they are just ass- – – – s????♀️????????♀️